ABA Therapy Techniques

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy involves many techniques for understanding and changing behavior. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning. It is a flexible treatment, and programs are created for the individual learner.

Ever wonder what some of the techniques used in ABA therapy are? Below we’ve gathered a handful of examples with descriptions of each. These are just some of the many methods used during ABA therapy. ABA is not one size fits all.

1. Functional Behavioral Assessment - or FBA is the process used by therapists to identify behaviors that need to be altered to help your child/teen learn

2. Task Analysis - to create Task Analysis, therapists break down complex activities into a series of small steps. Then the therapist teaches these steps until the child/teen can complete the task without assistance

3. Positive Reinforcement - is given when useful skills & socially appropriate behaviors are demonstrated - teaching the consequences of certain behaviors

4. Discrete Trial Training - or DTT is used during a one-on-one, controlled environment. It involves a therapist providing a prompt to the child/teen, asking for the desired behavior, and rewarding their behavior with positive reinforcement. This process is then repeated until the desired behavior is displayed independently

5. Picture Exchange Communication System - or PECS, during it the child/teen hands the therapist a picture of a desired object. In exchange, the therapist provides the object portrayed in the picture. The system is continued to communicate new words, phrases and modifiers

6. Modeling - is when a therapist demonstrates the desired behavior of what the child is expected to do in-person, via a video, or via an audio example. It’s particularly effective technique for developing social and communication skills among children/teens

These are just some of the many techniques used during ABA therapy to help your child/teen improve communication & language, social skills, self-care, play & leisure, motor skills, learning & academics and more.

Contact us for more info and to get your child/teen started today at contact@shapetosuccess.com or call 732-427-1794.